Sunday, June 9, 2013


This is another day that I must look into the future.
These excursions are very hard on the psyche; they drain me.
Looking at today's rags such as "Harper's" or "Whig Review" or "Machine and Builder" isn't too taxing.
But looking into the future is not so easy.
But here we go anyway.

Court of General Sessions of Peace, New York City
Alfred Daly is accused of keeping a disorderly house.
The Assistant District Attorney is John Minton.
The Defense Attorney is Fiorello LaGuardia.

Young LaGuardia had travelled to Arizona, Trieste Italy and Budapest before returning to New York City. He had served the country in several prestigious positions. He graduated from New York University Law School and passed his bar exam in 1910.
It is now time for him to practice law.
A New York City detective is on the stand being questioned by the district attorney. The detective, at this point, has stated that he and other detectives have visited a specific bar several times.
They have been dressing in sailor's clothes for the purpose of remaining undercover.
The bar is a small room, about 15 feet by 20 feet, in the back of a building where the patrons enter through a side entrance.
We enter the examination of the witness as he defines a specific evenings conversation.

The district attorney has established that women of the evening spend time at that specific bar.
He must now go beyond that to prove the women's intent.

Intent has been proven and it is now time for the defense.
LaGuardia calls several "character" witnesses.
LaGuardia continues questioning his own witness; Albert Capone.

LaGuardia then calls a man who has been an officer and marshal of various courts; a Mr. Halprin. He attempts to show that this man has some status.

The district attorney, Minton, now has to do his best to discredit the witness.
  ACT  V
LaGuardia now recalls the original witness; detective Lennon.
LaGuardia's intent is to make Lennon commit an error in his previous testimony.
District attorney Minton re-establishes Lennon's credentials and observations.
Minton wishes to prove that none of Daly's "character witnesses" have ever been seen in Daley's bar.
The trial comes to an end.

Was the Albert Capone any relation to Alphonse Capone of criminal fame?

The records show nothing about an Albert Capone who was in the restaurant business at that time.

Most Capones were either unemployed or taxi drivers.

Here is a sample.

Although one of them was a "Limousine" driver

Well, anyway, Daly is off the streets.

Will others take his place?

Watch and think in silence.

Then think and keep silent; for your own health.

     ©W. Tomosky♠

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